Referral Services
We are happy to take referrals for any cases where laser therapy may be indicated. See our website for a full list of conditions we can help with.
We are happy to talk through cases via email of phone.
07921 628 388
We can visit your practice direct or your client can attend any of our other clinic venues. Alternatively we may be able to offer a home visit.
Starting a laser clinic in your practice with Anicare
Our clinics have proved extremely popular with both vets and clients alike.
At our busiest practice clinic, we run two four hour clinics a week and we are frequently fully booked!
Running a laser clinic from your practice is a lot less work than you think once you have Anicare involved. We charge all the treatments through your practice, increasing your monthly turnover and keeping things simple for you and your clients.
Clients need to attend the clinics on a regular basis in order to complete the initial treatment protocols. This can be a great bonding experience for both them and their pets. We encourage clients to make more use of the facilities you offer as a practice, like weight clinics, dental clinics, purchasing of joint supplements etc. We also have a lot more time in our consultations to discuss things like mobility management, home adjustments, medication concerns etc that we can then feed back to the vets.
We provide full CPD for the practice to get you started so that all vets and nurses know which cases are best to refer into our clinics, then you are ready to go !
And best of all, you can offer your clients a state of the art service which is only available at a handful of veterinary practices, without purchasing the expensive equipment needed . A K laser costs upwards of £25,000.